Aloha people! It's been long since my last post I guess, sometimes tumblr is more interesting y'know than this blogger site, but I stick to both of them anyways :D You could check out my tumblr account here www.beingmorbid.tumblr.com, yeah I change the url once in a while :D
So, here's the thing. I am so soaked of waiting, I have always hated waiting for so long. Now I am currently in Changi, Singapore waiting for my flight that boards later, and I am too lazy to do anything else so I decided to post (there's no msn here, fuck it). Gah, this is taking tooo long, my flight boards at two or three and now it's currently one o'clock (okay, I am being a bit unpatient.....).
Speaking of long times, I am going to spend 8 fugly hours inside the plane, thank god I brought my ipod, two novels and my PSP to keep me from getting bored. Mom said that the plane has virtual games too in case my PSP's battery is dead, so thank god for that.
I will be arriving in Brisbane at midnight, that means it's already Nisa's birthday, so I guess I am going to congratulate her earlier. I guess I will be waiting some more for the 2nd of July, the day I get home......
I am already missing a few people here.
Gigi: I would rather be like that, then be like you.
Alex: Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?
Gigi: I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there so much but at least that means that I still care. Oh! You've think you won because women are expendable to you. You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won. You're alone. I may do a lot of stupid shit but I'm still a lot closer to love than you are.
Surrounded by a shield, inside there’s someone welled up.
He doesn’t trust anyone. ANYONE.
He draws you in slowly, making you want to know more, and more….
but then he’ll leave, what an utter disappointment.
He describes his feelings with words, his thoughts with actions,
you think you know him more than you do, but you don’t.
He pursues his anger into hate, his sadness into fake smiles,
He looks tough, but yet he faces breakdowns you could never imagine.
He’s my idol. He’s complex, yet very predictable for me.